Conquest SQLDetective is featured on IT Central Station.

At Conquest we've always been listening with an open mind to our users and prospects. We've been focusing closely on the requests, improvement ideas, issues and frustrations to respond with the new features, UI adjustments or just the needed patches. And we are extremely grateful to all those who didn't hold back, supporting us in building something really worthwhile for database professionals.
Today we're excited to share the news that SQLDetective, our award-winning Oracle IDE, is now featured on IT Central Station, the leading product review site for enterprise tech. This is a great resource for buyers and corporate users alike to get real-life unbiased advice from peers instead of vendors or analysts.
We encourage our users to spend several minutes sharing their personal experiences with SQLDetective. This will greatly help other users looking for a professional Oracle development tool make a grounded and educated decision. Sharing is caring!
Learn more about SQLDetective, or download a trial version to see it in action, it's an entirely new PL/SQL coding experience.